A Financial checkup is equal to a medical checkup, Which helps you in identify opportunities and threats of your financial and administrative status. Once the form is filled our financial doctor will completely diagnose your financial issues and come out with solution”

1. Do you understand various asset classes (equity, debt, real estate, gold, etc) and the risks associated with each.

2. Do you invest in Systematic Investment Plans

3. Do you monitor your investments to see that they are in line with your asset allocation

4. Do you understand that inflation is going to increase your future expenses to maintain today's standard of living.

5. Have you calculated how much money you need to save to meet your future requirements like post retirement needs, children's higher education, etc.

6. Have you defined your long term and short term financial goals.

7. Have you prepared a budget for your household expenses. If Yes, do you follow the budget

8. If you were to lose your job, you have enough money to take care of your daily expenses and loan liabilities for at least 6 months.

9. Do you have adequate life insurance to protect your dependents?

10. Do you have enough medical insurance for yourself and your family members.

11. I own only 1 or 2 credit cards.

12. I have not defaulted on my credit card or loan payments.

13. I spend less than 40% of my income into paying my loan and credit cards.

14. What % of your monthly income (such as salary) do you always save/invest each month?
< 20%20%-50%

15. Do you take the services of an expert financial planner/SEBI Registered Investment Advisor like Wealth Ladder to plan your finances and investments.

16. I review my financial plan and investments at least once in a year.
